Friday the 13th again

ThirteenFor the last few years.  Since we reformed after our 13 year gap to record the 13EP (SoundCloud), with Dark Moon – the missing 13th track from the first album.  We’ve tried to release the new stuff we’ve done on Friday the 13th.  I missed the target this year (hands up, it was me).  I could probably have done it, but wasn’t paying attention.  Space Cowboys Under The Sea Of Japan will be out in December.  You can stream it now from SoundCloud though.

Flesh Reunion, the last album, is in the stores.  Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify.

We’ve already mentioned the 13EP, before that was the long ‘hiatus’ as musicians call it, and before that was HowManyDevils1 (on SoundCloud).

Of course, after we release the 13EP on Friday the 13th, we were blatantly copied by Black Sabbath with their album called 13.  I do suspect they stole all our marketing effort which is why their album charted and ours didn’t.  (Surely three men in their 40’s in Yorkshire would be more popular than 4 men in their 60’s from the Midlands).  We took revenge though, by making Halfway There sound a little like them…

Flesh Reunion released

Friday 13th of February, 2015. Flesh Reunion is released.

Flesh Reunion album coverI’ve been looking to the future (well, getting ready for tomorrow – we’re writing the next album).  And nearly missed the fact that Flesh Reunion is out now!  (I already have a copy you see).

It’s on iTunes (UK, US) and Amazon (UK, US).

You’ll get 13 raw and powerful rock and roll tracks with subjects ranging from death, to the number 13, to sleeplessness, to rioting, to wolves, to inanimate objects, even as far as love, and icepicks, and death again.



You should buy it.  It’s only £2.49 on iTunes!

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Flesh Reunion album coverIt’s Wednesday the 11th today, which means that Tomorrow’s Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.  What do we do on Friday the 13th?  Well, if we’re HowManyDevils we tend to release an album.  Sadly we can’t manage one for every Friday the 13th, but we have got one coming this time.  That would be Flesh Reunion.  All new material this time (none of that 13ep here’s a song we didn’t record 13 years ago stuff), 13 tracks of the grumbly dark rock you should now expect from us.  It’ll be on iTunes (UK, US) and Amazon (UK, US), maybe other places…  And it’s cheap!

Meanwhile, we’re off on our next project.

(psst, free downloads on – but if you buy it that would be great)


Flesh Reunion 9 – Thirteen, Flesh Reunion

I am listening to Thirteen.  It’s the thirteenth and last song to be written for Flesh Reunion.  And a seemingly recurring theme with HowManyDevils, having already done the 13EP.  It’s a bit more post-punk and a little less rock than we usually do.  We also re-wrote Flesh Reunion the song today.  We want it to be right, and now it is.

We have thirteen songs now, and we’re ready to go in to the studio.  So next week we go in to the studio.  The studio is of course the same room as we’re writing in, but we’ll be recording on something better than mobile phones.

These are the songs for Flesh Reunion:
World In Flames
Set Him Free
Halfway There
A Different Breed
Through These Eyes
The Lit Match
Icepick Lunatic
Flesh Reunion

We have been a little thin on the ground with content, other than my summing up of things, during this writing phase.  To make up for this, here’s a picture of today’s lunch and some guitars.  20131027_124128We are pretty rock n roll as you can see by the All Day Breakfast in a can.  …and the dark Bounty.  \m/
