Flesh Reunion released

Friday 13th of February, 2015. Flesh Reunion is released.

Flesh Reunion album coverI’ve been looking to the future (well, getting ready for tomorrow – we’re writing the next album).  And nearly missed the fact that Flesh Reunion is out now!  (I already have a copy you see).

It’s on iTunes (UK, US) and Amazon (UK, US).

You’ll get 13 raw and powerful rock and roll tracks with subjects ranging from death, to the number 13, to sleeplessness, to rioting, to wolves, to inanimate objects, even as far as love, and icepicks, and death again.



You should buy it.  It’s only £2.49 on iTunes!

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Flesh Reunion album coverIt’s Wednesday the 11th today, which means that Tomorrow’s Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.  What do we do on Friday the 13th?  Well, if we’re HowManyDevils we tend to release an album.  Sadly we can’t manage one for every Friday the 13th, but we have got one coming this time.  That would be Flesh Reunion.  All new material this time (none of that 13ep here’s a song we didn’t record 13 years ago stuff), 13 tracks of the grumbly dark rock you should now expect from us.  It’ll be on iTunes (UK, US) and Amazon (UK, US), maybe other places…  And it’s cheap!

Meanwhile, we’re off on our next project.

(psst, free downloads on http://www.howmanydevils.com/fleshreunion – but if you buy it that would be great)


Flesh Reunion 17 – more guitars

Another Flesh Reunion done.  Guitars, Bass and percussion this week.  Things are sounding much tighter.  We have some extra layers to the sound.  For a while we contemplated going for 27 guitar parts in homage to the Blue Aeroplanes, but it is taking us long enough to record with 2.  Not sure when we’ll get around to a release, we have vocal overdubs/replacements and another round of drums booked in.  Maybe Pete’s digeridoo too…


Flesh Reunion 10 – Recording

HowManyDevils’ Flesh Reunion moved on from songwriting to recording on Sunday.  About half the day was spent building our new home, the “medieval bog”.  Not sure how medieval mikes, cables, and computers are though. 
No monument to ill health was built out of convinience store food this week despite it being another chippy-closed Sunday.  Pies and soup were brought in advance. 
We got the live takes for four songs laid down.  Insomniac, Carolyn, Set Him Free, and Halfway There.  So nine more for next week… then drums, then overdubs. 

13 – Black Sabbath

I see posters all over town for an album called ’13’. It’s the new Black Sabbath album, not last years HowManyDevils EP. You could listen to our 13EP here while you wait for the Sabs though.
Then you can listen to Sabbath while you wait for our next release.  Last Saturday was Flesh Reunion 2.  The second writing session for HMD since reforming.  We came out of it with another two new songs: “World In Flames (Stockholm’s Burning)” and “Set Him Free”. Good and loud (and a touch of EVH).

Flesh Reunion 2 – Set Him Free, Stockholms Burning (World In Flames)

We got together again, and wrote more songs.  Flesh Reunion 1 gave us one new song: Insomniac, Flesh Reunion 2 has given us two new songs: World In Flames (Stockholm’s Burning) and Set Him Free.  Flesh Reunion 3 is booked in already.  Three songs, do you reckon?  We’ll probably have an albums worth by the end of August.